Join us as we work hand in hand with diverse stakeholders to enact positive, sustainable change and foster economic empowerment in BIPOC communities.
Why We Exist.
Across the United States, business is growing and thriving. And in many instances economic growth is clustered in communities where there are high populations of historic BIPOC residents. However economic growth and opportunities aren't materializing in terms of economic advancements across the BIPOC business sectors including capital allocation, real estate development, and inclusion in the offices of the many corporations that are thriving across the United States.
For example – in July 2022, CNBC reported North Carolina as the Number 1 Top State for business, with the nation's strongest economies. However, adjacent to the favorable statistics for North Carolina is the Road to Zero Wealth, presented by Prosperity Now reports stating that "it is estimated that by the year 2053 African American wealth will be Zero". This statistic is directly correlated to trends in entrepreneurship (lack of resources, under-funding, etc.), property ownership, and technical education effectively administered in BIPOC communities.

ResilNC [pronounced Resiliency] exists to advance tangible Insights, Investments, and Impact.
Insights Into Providing Support